All Classes
Class | Description |
BaseResponse |
POJO that returns a status and message for an http request
BaseSvc |
Parental service that any
RestController objects must extend. |
CORSConfiguration |
SpringBoot configuration for CORS
CorsFilter |
Filter for all http requests we receive
CreatorPage |
POJO that relates to the creator_pages table in our database
CreatorPageCategory |
Enum holding information about creator campaign categories
CreatorPageFunctions |
Component that contains functions for
CreatorPage endpoints that allow interaction with the database |
CreatorPageRepository |
Spring Data Repository for easy use of CRUD operations on the
CreatorPage object |
CreatorTokens |
PatreonInfo Repository Wrapper
CreatorTokensRepository |
Communication between the creator_tokens table in the database
CustomPatreonAPI |
Used to send Patreon API requests
DiscordWebhookUtil |
Sends Discord embed's to specified channels using webhooks
EndpointWrapper |
Helps connect to the Patreon OAuth endpoint
FavoriteListRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a favorites list add request is received
FilterAddRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a filter add request is received
FilterCommonRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used for common json properties between search filter endpoint requests
FilterDeleteRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used for common json properties between search filter endpoint requests
JPAConfiguration |
SpringBoot Database Management Configuration
JSONUtil |
JSON Utilities class to provide helpful functions relating to JSON
ListBean |
POJO that relates to the lists table in our database
ListCreationRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a list creation request is received
ListDeleteRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a list delete request is received
ListImpl |
Interface for endpoints relating to lists
ListPost |
POJO that relates to the list_posts table in our database
ListPostsRepository |
Spring Data Repository for easy use of CRUD operations on the
PostBean object |
ListPostsRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of custom Spring Data Repository for custom SQL functionality not automatically provided in
JpaRepository |
ListPostUpdateRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a list post update request is received
ListPostUpdateRequest.ListUpdate |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a list post update request is received, holds the update information for each list
ListsRepository |
Spring Data Repository for easy use of CRUD operations on the
ListBean object |
ListsRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of custom Spring Data Repository for custom SQL functionality not automatically provided in
JpaRepository |
ListSvc |
Lists RESTful Endpoint Interface
ListUpdateRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a list update request is received
LoginRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a login request is received
LoginResponse |
POJO that holds the login token needed for logging in, is used during the login http request
MembershipBean |
POJO that shows a patron's membership details for a campaign
OldPasswords |
POJO that relates to the old_passwords table in our database
PatreonCampaign |
POJO that relates to the patreon_campaigns table in our database(soon going to be no longer used/deprecated)
PatreonCampaignsFunctions |
Component that contains functions for
CreatorPage endpoints that allow interaction with the database |
PatreonCampaignsRepository |
Spring Data Repository for easy use of CRUD operations on the
PatreonCampaign object |
PatreonCampaignV2 |
POJO to store the data received from Patreon sending us an http request
PatreonCredentials |
This class holds Patreon credential information for the Patreon client we use to create posts on a user's behalf
PatreonDataArrayEntryV2 |
POJO that holds data received from the patreon api
PatreonDataV2 |
POJO that represents the "Data" object returned by Patreon API V2
PatreonLinksV2 |
POJO to hold the links returned from the Patreon api
PatreonMetaV2 |
POJO to hold the pagination meta data returned from the Patreon api
PatreonObjectArrayV2 |
POJO that holds the data and meta information from the Patreon api
PatreonObjectV2 |
POJO to encapsulate the
PatreonDataV2 object returned from the Patreon api |
PatreonPaginationV2 |
POJO that holds pagination info returned from the Patreon api
PatreonPostV2 |
POJO that holds post information returned from the Patreon api
PatreonRelationshipsV2 |
POJO that holds the campaign data we want from the Patreon api
PatreonTokens |
POJO that relates to the creator_tokens table in our database
PatreonWebhookV2 |
POJO that holds webhook information needed for debugging when using the Patreon api to send post information to our endpoint on post publish
PostBean |
POJO that relates to the posts table in our database
PostGetMultipleRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a list creation request is received
PostGetter |
Gets Posts from a Patreon content creator in
JSONArray form |
PostImpl |
Interface for endpoints relating to Patreon posts
PostsRepository |
Spring Data Repository for easy use of CRUD operations on the
PostBean object |
PostsRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of custom Spring Data Repository for custom SQL functionality not automatically provided in
JpaRepository |
PostSvc |
Post RESTful Endpoint Interface
PostWebhookRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a social integration is trying to be setup to cross post(not currently used)
PSApplication |
Where the Spring Boot application is run
PSConfiguration |
Patreon Shout Configuration
PSException |
Exception for any database or internal server errors
PutSocialIntegrationRequest |
POJO used in requests for the Integration endpoint.
ReceiverImpl | |
ReceiverSvc |
Patreon Webhook RESTful Endpoint Interface
RegisterRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a registration request is received
ResetPasswordRequest |
Jackson serialized POJO, used when a login request is received
ResponseUtil |
POJO containing functions to assist and generate endpoint JSON output
SearchFilter |
POJO that relates to the search_filter table in our database
SearchFilterImpl |
Interface for endpoints relating to search filters
SearchFiltersCustom |
Custom Spring Data Repository for custom SQL functionality not automatically provided in
JpaRepository |
SearchFiltersRepository |
Spring Data Repository for easy use of CRUD operations on the
SearchFilter object |
SearchFiltersRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of custom Spring Data Repository for custom SQL functionality not automatically provided in
JpaRepository |
SearchFilterSvc |
SearchFilter RESTful Endpoint Interface
SecurityConfiguration |
Spring Security Configuration
SocialIntegration |
POJO that relates to the social_integrations table in our database
SocialIntegrationName |
Enum containing the types of social platforms that can be added to a
SocialIntegrationName.INSTAGRAM |
Tag |
POJO that relates to the tags table in our database
TagAddRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a filter add request is received
TagDeleteRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a filter add request is received
TagGetRequest |
Jackson Serialized object, used when a filter add request is received
TagImpl |
Interface for endpoints relating to lists
TagsRepository |
Spring Data Repository for easy use of CRUD operations on the
Tag object |
TagsRepositoryImpl |
Implementation of custom Spring Data Repository for custom SQL functionality not automatically provided in
JpaRepository |
TagSvc |
Tags RESTful Endpoint Interface
TwitterApiUtil |
This class is used to send new patreon posts to twitter
TwitterCredentials |
This class holds twitter credential information for the Twitter app we use to create posts on a user's behalf
User |
Java Object containing the data we get from OAuth requests to Patreon that we use to turn into a JSON string
WebAccount |
POJO that relates to the webaccounts table in our database
WebAccountFunctions |
Component that contains functions for WebAccount endpoints that allow interaction with the database
WebAccountImpl |
Interface for endpoints relating to webaccount activities
WebAccountRepository |
Interface for WebAccountFunctions to use pre-made JpaRepository database communications
WebAccountSvc |
Web Account RESTful Endpoint Interface
WebhookRequest |
POJO that holds the webhook request information sent from the Patreon api