CollabyBot will be integrated with GitHub and Jira via a bot installed to a chat application (Discord, Slack, etc.). The user will need to add the bot to their chat server/workspace and authorize ot to post messages.
CollabyBot will post notifications of a repository's commit, pull request, and issue events to the chat application in real time.
Users will be able to subscribe or unsubscribe to individual event types using the /commits, /pull-requests, and /issues slash commands.
Notifications for individual event types will be associated with specific channels within a chat server/workspace.
CollabyBot can post notifications from multiple repositories in the same server/workspace.
Users can add repositories to CollabyBot using the /add slash command.
Users can view a list of a repositories open pull requests using the /open-pull-requests command.
Users can assign, reassign, and unassign Jira tickets using the /assign and /unassign slash commands.
Users can view information about their teams active Jira sprint using the /sprint slash command.
CollabyBot will respond with a list of tickets in the current sprint and a burndown chart.
Users can view information about a specific ticket using the /jira command.