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em - Variable in class com.patreonshout.jpa.CreatorTokensRepository
em is the EntityManager that handles all the transactions with our database
em - Variable in class com.patreonshout.jpa.ListPostsRepositoryImpl
em is the EntityManager that handles all the transactions with our database
em - Variable in class com.patreonshout.jpa.ListsRepositoryImpl
em is the EntityManager that handles all the transactions with our database
em - Variable in class com.patreonshout.jpa.PostsRepositoryImpl
em is the EntityManager that handles all the transactions with our database
em - Variable in class com.patreonshout.jpa.TagsRepositoryImpl
em is the EntityManager that handles all the transactions with our database
email - Variable in class com.patreonshout.patreon.endpoints.objects.User.Data.Attributes
the user's email address, requires certain scopes to access, see the scopes section of this documentation
embed - Variable in class com.patreonshout.utils.DiscordWebhookUtil
embed is the embed builder that we populate with data to send to Discord
embedData - Variable in class com.patreonshout.beans.patreon_api.PatreonPostV2
embedData holds an object containing embed data if media is embedded in a post(Patreon api never returns any embed data)
embedData - Variable in class com.patreonshout.beans.PostBean
An object containing embed data if media is embedded in the post, or none if there is no embed
embedUrl - Variable in class com.patreonshout.beans.patreon_api.PatreonPostV2
embedUrl holds the embed media url in a post(Patreon api never returns any embed data)
embedUrl - Variable in class com.patreonshout.beans.PostBean
Embed media url.
encodePassword(String, String) - Method in class com.patreonshout.config.SecurityConfiguration
Encodes given passwords with BCryptPasswordEncoder The password is encrypted in the following form: (pepper + rawPassword + salt) where the "pepper" constant is assigned in the Spring application properties
EndpointWrapper - Class in com.patreonshout.patreon.endpoints
Helps connect to the Patreon OAuth endpoint
EndpointWrapper() - Constructor for class com.patreonshout.patreon.endpoints.EndpointWrapper
ensurePasswordValidity(String) - Method in class com.patreonshout.jpa.WebAccountFunctions
Checks if the given raw password meets our password requirements
entityManagerFactory() - Method in class com.patreonshout.config.JPAConfiguration
Configures the EntityManager that is used to create database communications in the application
equals(Object) - Method in class com.patreonshout.beans.PostBean
Used to check if a PostBean is equal to another PostBean object
expiresIn - Variable in class com.patreonshout.beans.PatreonTokens
Holds the expiration date for when we need to refresh the access_token
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